
Coordinator: Sandra Santos Valois
Vice-coordinator: Carolina Santos Mello
The Clinical Nutrition Specialization Residency Program at the School of Nutrition of the Federal University of Bahia (ENUFBA) started in 2007, in partnership with the Health Secretariat of the State of Bahia (SESAB) and the Ministry of Education (MEC).
The Clinical Nutrition Residency is a 24-month program with 5,880 hours workload in the day period, under exclusive contract, with 15 vacancies open for nutritionists every year. 
The weekly workload is 60 hours – 80% for hospital training and the remaining hours for intra-class activities and other activities determined by the Coordination of the Clinical Nutrition Residency Collegiate.
Our current partner hospitals located in Salvador for in-service training are:
  • Complexo Hospitalar Universitário Professor Edgard Santos (HUPES – UFBA);
  • Hospital Geral do Estado (HGE);
  • Hospital Geral Professor Roberto Santos (HGRS);
  • Hospital Aristides Maltez (HAM).

